
Friday, April 12, 2013

Fast, Easy Tortillas

When I was in second grade, we "made" tortillas.  And by made, I mean we actually played no part in the process.  Here's what happened:

Our teacher taught us how to grind flour. So, a group of eight-ish year old kids sat outside with two rock type things and a bunch of wheat and went to town grinding it into flour. Needless to say, it sucked. We thought it was insanely hard and stupid and not worth it!

Then our teacher took the flour mess we had created, went into the classroom for about 60 seconds (as the actual making of flour into tortillas was too complex for us), and came out with tortillas that our "flour" had "made".

Ever since then I have been under the impression that making tortillas was the hardest, longest process ever and you would have to be insane to try it.

Of course, if that were true, this post would end now.

But it doesn't. Obviously. Or, well, I hope that's obvious. Cause, there's more words. Just keep scrolling.

Well I found this recipe a while back, but had never tried it until recently. And holy cow! These are friction good! (so when I typed out that last bit, I had written "frickin", but it was auto corrected to say "friction". So I kept it. Hence the weird saying.)

These are great! Only 4 ingredients:

2 cups flour
1/2 t salt
3 T oil
3/4 cup water

Mix together all ingredients

and knead about 10 times (as more flour as needed, you don't want it too sticky. I found that about 1/3 cup more normally does it).

Or you can get fancy with your kneading skills.

And your faces. Thanks Chris.

Roll it into a ball and divide it into 8 pieces.

Spread those out into circles

and fry for about 1 minute per side on a sprayed pan.

And that's it! You're done!

 Depending on how much you flatten them, this is about their thickness.

Super easy and super good!

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