
Friday, January 3, 2014

Picnic at the Park

Happy New Year!

I hope you've all had a wonderful holiday season. Our Christmas was great. I love this time of year. It's a time for friends and family to get together and celebrate and share gifts and sing songs.

And have picnics.

There was no red-and-white checkered blanket, so I don't know if I can call it a "proper picnic", but it was pretty awesome either way.

Mom, Nick, Nicola and I were joined by our cousin Crystal and her two kids, Cameron and Blake.

Adorable family, aren't we?

We brought all the fixings for sandwiches, as well as chips, apple slices, and juice boxes! It was a feast to remember.

Hali joined us too. She even went off the leash a few times! Coming to the park is always a big deal for her, because she doesn't much exposure to grass, so she really enjoys it when she can roll around with a happy grin.

She did a great job of running the whole time we were there, but she passed out when we got home. Even now, she's asleep on my feet. She's a wuss sometimes, but at least she's got her looks, right?

After we finished our meal we ran off to play some soccer.

The only proper way to end any adventure, I'd say.

I'd suggest getting out and having a picnic of your own! It's good fun (though some of you might need to wait for better weather...)

Keep smiling (:

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