
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Back to the Snow

Now that I live most of the year in a snowy state, it's lost some of it's appeal.  I mean, as a kid living in a dessert, going up to grandma's house in with the snow was amazing! But walking 20 minutes to school in it...

Not as much fun.

But this was our long weekend at college, so my parents came up and we all went to my grandma's house again. Which meant: snow!

And my dad and I decided to embrace our fleeting childhoods (well, mine's fleeting. He tells me he never had one...) and do all the classic snow day stuff!

We started with a snowball fight (obviously)

 Dad won that round...

Then we did sledding. I won that :)

And we finished it off with a good old fashioned snow fort making!

 Not that big looking from the outside, I know, but take a look from the inside angle.

Yeah, pretty epic :) It was an amazing snow day. We went back inside happy. And tired. And soaked.
But it was worth it.

Oh! Also, my grandma (who's 81 years old) made her first snow angel EVER this weekend.

We're so proud of her.

Happy winter everybody!

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