
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Realistic Rules of Fitness

Like I've said before, I am no fitness genius. But I am trying, and have done a lot of research on the matter.

So here, I'm gonna list 6 rules that I have been using to start losing weight and getting fit.


This is the first, and most important rule to remember. This is not a diet. This is a life style.

This rule is important for a few reasons. For one, it means that when you reach your goal weight, after all the pounds are gone, you can't go back to eating crap. You have to stick with your new life of exercise and good foods.
But this also means that you shouldn't go crazy with your diet or exercise. You can back off a little with the Insanity workouts or super clean diets once you get down to your initial weight, but you have to stay on track. So don't make your new food plan crazy, make it something you want to do for the rest of your life!


Make goals.

Then make them again. And again.

When you set goals, you should make them small and measurable. Start with "this many pounds by this date" or something like that. When you make a goal that you can easily measure (instead of something like "I want to be fit" or "I want to be smaller") then you are more likely to achieve it.

And once you achieve it, you make a new goal. Maybe 2 more pounds this month. Keep setting goals!

If you've reached your goal weight, try making some goals just about being healthy. For example: this month, I want to eat an apple a day.

As a rule, I like to make things into a 21 day challenge. (21 days is about how long it takes to start a new habit with eating, without making you go crazy) for example, try 21 days of drinking eight water glasses a day. Or 21 days of no pizza. Get creative! 

And try making them public. If not on Facebook, then to some of your close friends. Making them public helps you to keep them. Next time you reach for that doughnut, you have that reminder of if it's worth it the moment when your friend asks "How's that weight loss going?". Yeah. Awkward.



When it comes down to it, this is the simple math of weight loss. You have to eat less then you burn. But be careful! Women should generally never go below 1200 calories a day (men 1500). Once you go below there, your body goes into starvation mode.  This means it's gonna try harder to keep what calories and fat you do eat (as if it were stuck in the dessert and trying to survive).

That's bad.



Moderation, not deprivation.

If you try and go of sweets all together at first, you're gonna fail. Trust me.

Unless you have the will power of a donkey (or is that just stubbornness? huh), you can't just quit all at once. And who wants to live their life without a cookie every once in a while?!? Crazy people, that's who.

So just eat in moderation. You can still enjoy food, just keep in mind the calories. If you're eating bad, eat less.

There's a blog I love call, and she talks about a great idea. It's called the 80/20 rule. This means 80% of what you eat should be good for you. Not just low calorie, but full of nutrients and good stuff. Like apples. Apples are good.

The other 20% can be food you indulge on. Like brownies or that frosty.

Along those lines, there is another good rule to follow.


Plan your cheats.

My mom likes to do this thing where she only eat sweets on the weekend. This is an awesome idea. Here's why:

It keeps you on track. If you know that at on Saturday you are allowed to have that blizzard (that's her favorite) then you can more easily say no to the sugar cookie you are offered on Wednesday.

But you should always plan when that cheat is going to happen. Otherwise, your will power is never as strong. If it's open in your head as "I can have one treat anytime this week", it'll be really hard to resist once friday comes and you already had your cake on tuesday.

Also, start with a cheat day (or two), but try and work your way down to a cheat meal. IT helps to not blow your in tire weeks with of work!


This one is really important.

Aim for fun.

Studies have shown that those who were trying to both lose weight AND be more happy lost more weight that those trying to lose weight alone.

This makes sense. Stress is bad for health. And freaking out about counting calories all the time is more likely to make you give up on the whole thing. 

So eat healthy, but try to have fun! This is a good rule in workouts as well. If you don't like your workout (lunges are pure evil) then you won't do them. Making excuses is easy. If you like what you do (zumba!) then you are sooo much more willing to pull out those running shoes and do it!

That's a good rule for life, too. And something I have been working on my entire life. (Yeah, I'm a negative person)

But smile! You were only given one life here, so hey, enjoy! :)

Those are my 6 rules! I have other tips and tricks and rules, but I'll post those on another day. These are the 6 main things that I try to remember. Like I said, I'm learning too!

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